Recent changes in JRT (an example custom app configuration distributed with d7II and the original d7 Premium) prompted a small but necessary fix in the 3rd Party Configs\JRT_Auto.cmd file which we use to manipulate the JRT.exe download/extraction and toi modify JRT’s GET.BAT file.
This update will fix automation issues with JRT that since one of their recent updates seems to have broken a clean exit of their GET.BAT which stalls in cmd.exe using the old last line of the file “start /wait get.bat” and is fixed by the new “start /wait cmd /c get.bat” forcing a new instance of cmd.exe to run GET.BAT and terminating at the end of the batch run.
This update also adds new whitelisting entries for CryptoPrevent and dSupportSuite.
Updated JRT_Auto.cmd for d7II:
@echo off&pushd "%~dp0"
start /wait JRT.exe -y -nr
pushd "%temp%\jrt"
if not exist "get.bat" pushd %systemdrive%\JRT
if not exist "get.bat" goto :eof
findstr /v /i "pause" get.bat>tmp.txt
findstr /v /i /b "notepad" tmp.txt>get.bat
echo d7iisvc>>"%temp%\jrt\wl_services.cfg"
echo dSSEventSvc>>"%temp%\jrt\wl_services.cfg"
echo CryptoPreventEventSvc>>"%temp%\jrt\wl_services.cfg"
echo d7ii>>"%temp%\jrt\wl_processes.cfg"
echo dfunk>>"%temp%\jrt\wl_processes.cfg"
echo dSupportSuite>>"%temp%\jrt\wl_processes.cfg"
echo CryptoPrevent>>"%temp%\jrt\wl_processes.cfg"
start /wait cmd.exe /c get.bat
d7 Premium will have basically the same file, but with “d7” instead of “d7ii” and “malwarescan” instead of “dfunk” in relevant whitelisting entries.
Release versions:
d7II Default Apps update: 49
d7 Default Apps update: 58
Other resources:
d7/d7II/d7x Custom App News and Announcements (Blog)
d7/d7II/d7x Custom App News and Announcements (Blog RSS)
(Note this blog/feed was not previously used for this purpose, but going forward with d7x these categories will be used exclusively for all app release news.)
d7II Default Apps revision history