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d7x Templates (already included in Starter Config)
These are d7x templates for email, notes and snippets. You’ll extract the [Templates] folder to your [d7x\d7x Resources\Config] directory and d7x will pick them up from there. You can add your own text files to these locations to create new templates or use the save features integrated into d7x at the various locations for each option. Note only the snippets will be able to use HTML code, the email and note templates are plain text only.
d7x Website Links (already included in Starter Config)
These are some custom links to helpful tech related websites that offer direct downloads to items or various other tech repair information. You can copy and paste individual links from this file to your [d7x\d7x Resources\Config\Links.txt] if you already have a file there, or just extract the Links.txt to that location if you don’t have one already.