Added additional Google Drive integrations:
- You can now replace dCloud (and self-hosted FTP usage) for configuration/definitions storage with Google Drive. Visit d7x Config > Servers/Email > Google Drive Integration to enable.
- This means your Config Mgmt Portal will use Google Drive, and any other configs you have previously uploaded to dCloud or your self-hosted FTP will not be present.
- I apologize but there is no direct copy/import process to change servers, so if you are using multiple configs on dCloud or your self-hosted FTP server, you will have to transfer them to Google Drive one at a time. Do this by configuring d7x to use dCloud or your self-hosted FTP first if it isn’t already, download the config you wish to transfer, then reconfigure to use Google Drive, upload config to Google Drive, and reconfigured back to dCloud/self-hosted FTP to transfer another config from there. Wash, rinse, and repeat for each additional config to migrate.
- This means you will need to recreate any d7xRDT (Remote Deployment Tools) you have created through Config Mgmt Portal in order to use the new Google Drive with d7xRDT.
- When creating a new d7xRDT, rather than a password prompt you have the option to require login from your Google account instead, which of course allows you to use multi-factor authentication with your d7xRDT (you just need that enabled on your Google Drive account.)
- Config/Defs are stored in the “appDataFolder” space of Google Drive, meaning you won’t see any files actually appear visibly in your Google Drive. The only way you can interact with this data outside of d7x Config Mgmt Portal is in Google Drive Settings > Manage Apps. Find the “d7x” app and it will show you the “Hidden app data” size used by your d7x files, and the “Delete Hidden App Data” option will delete all of that (your d7x config and defs) stored on Google Drive.
- This means your Config Mgmt Portal will use Google Drive, and any other configs you have previously uploaded to dCloud or your self-hosted FTP will not be present.
- Integrated Apps (d7x Config > Apps/Functions > Integrated Apps) can now be configured for download from Google Drive rather than your self-hosted FTP.
- Only Integrated Apps have Google Drive integration; Custom App <-> Google Drive integration does not exist yet, but will come in a future release.
NOTE: As a result of the new Google Drive integrations to replace dCloud functionality, we have had to add additional Google Drive authentication scopes (specifically for the appDataFolder space), which ultimately requires you to re-authorize your Google Drive account in d7x Config if you have previously authenticated it for use with another feature. I apologize for the inconvenience, and we should not have to update the Google Drive authentication scopes used by d7x again, even if bringing new Google Drive functionality.
NOTE about your Google Drive data (a mini privacy policy right here): Your pre-existing Google Drive data cannot be accessed in any way by d7x. If you review the authentication scopes you authorize d7x for when you login with Google, you will see that they only allow d7x to access or delete data that d7x creates, but existing data (put on Google Drive by anyone/anything but d7x itself) cannot be accessed by d7x in any way. So your data is safe from d7x.
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