So you may have noticed that d7II does not detect Windows 10 correctly. This article is meant to explain why and offer up some additional information, including many useful registry keys.
Above is the location in the registry where d7II and many other pieces of software go to retrieve the Windows version number. HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion contains numerous keys. The one that d7II uses is called “CurrentVersion” (with a value of “6.3” shown above) while Microsoft, two weeks prior to the release of Windows 10 and after d7II was placed in a feature freeze state to promote d7x development, now uses “CurrentBuild” (with a value of “10240” shown above) along with “CurrentMajorVersionNumber” and “CurrentMinorVersionNumber”. The value of “6.3” for “CurrentVersion” that Windows 10 uses is the same value that Windows 8.1 (Operating System Version Chart Here) uses and that is the reason d7II does not display the correct information for Windows 10. Further, d7II uses the “ProductId” to detect the edition of Windows. We’ll use the ProductId above, “00330-80000-00000-AA251″ as a reference. It used to be that the second group of digits, in this case “80000“, was used by d7II for that purpose. The problem is that Microsoft changed from being only three digits previously instead of the current five digits. This means that d7II interprets the second number as “800“. Therefore, d7II will always be unable to properly detect the edition of Windows 10. This is already resolved in the upcoming version our flagship product, d7x.
Please note that this is merely a “cosmetic” issue. No internal functionality of d7II is affected by this and it does not prevent d7II from being used in any way with a Windows 10 PC.
Windows 10 Preview Builds, Slow or Fast, but use at your own risk…
Please Note:
Every time a preview build of Windows 10 is delivered to your PC, Windows is completely reinstalled. As a result, d7II and d7x will be unable to determine the original install date of Windows on the d7II System Info tab.
The ability to receive Windows 10 Preview Builds depends on having a Microsoft Account, accepting Insider terms, and Windows Feedback preferences. To modify the Feedback preference on Windows 10 systems — this works on all systems, retail, upgrade and Enterprise — do the following:
Tap on the Windows-key, type regedit and hit enter.
Confirm the UAC prompt if it comes up.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection.
Set the value of AllowTelemetry to 0 to disable insider builds or 3 to allow them.
You can verify this by opening Settings > Privacy > Feedback & diagnostics. The “Send your device data to Microsoft” preference should be set to Basic (no previews) or Enhanced/Full (get previews). The difference between Enhanced and Full is that memory dumps are sent in the latter. This allows you to be a member of the insider program without using the builds, if desired.