d7 is designed to be a portable application without the need for installation or un-installation, therefore it leaves very little impact on the system when it is closed down properly. It should leave behind (almost) no registry entries and files, however there are a few exceptions.
- If d7 doesn’t find the file Takeown.exe in the Windows directory, it may drop a copy and leave it there even after shutdown. This file is safe to delete or leave as you see fit.
- Takeown.exe is an executable from Microsoft, which aids in taking ownership of files/directories. Some installations may already have this file, not installed by d7.
- If d7 doesn’t shut down properly or you didn’t use the CLOSE button to shutdown d7, it may leave “FoolishEventLogMsgHelper.dll” in the \Windows\System32 directory. This file is safe to delete, or leave as you see fit.
- FoolishEventLogMsgHelper.dll is a tiny 24kb DLL with only one purpose (and only one actual line of code!) It merely enables the Windows Event Viewer to display d7 related messages in the Event Logs without error text preceding the actual message.
- In order to delete this file, you MUST close the Event Viewer (eventvwr.msc).
- If the Event Viewer was open while d7 was shutting down, this DLL file will not be deleted due to the Event Viewer having an open handle to the DLL file.
- You may also optionally configure d7 to leave the DLL file on the system.
- If the file is removed from the system, d7 messages will still appear in the NT Event Logs, however error text will be displayed in the event description, before the actual message.
- FoolishEventLogMsgHelper.dll is a tiny 24kb DLL with only one purpose (and only one actual line of code!) It merely enables the Windows Event Viewer to display d7 related messages in the Event Logs without error text preceding the actual message.
- If d7 will not start for some reason in order for you to shut it down properly, you may contact us for a removal tool as necessary.
KNOWN ISSUE: Explorer Context Menu items remain after d7 is run.
The only other case where items may remain behind is if d7 doesn’t close down properly; in that case d7 may leave behind the shell extensions. That is probably why you are reading this far, as others have had the same question. This is a known issue, and easily fixed.
To remove the shell extensions, in most cases all you need to do is relaunch d7 and close it down properly by clicking the Close button.
If this doesn’t work, you can force a removal. Simply relaunch d7, click on the d7 drop down menu and click the Remove Shell Extensions option. This will remove all of your context menu items added by d7 immediately.
Manual removal (Vista+) involves deleting the corresponding keys from HKCR\AllFileSystemObjects\Shell or using a special removal tool which we can provide (contact us for the tool.)
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