Easily Keep Your 3rd Party Apps Updated:
- Click Updates > and double click a Ketarin profile from the listbox to the right.
- On a first time setup, you will be prompted to automatically setup Ketarin
Automating d7 updates:
To automate d7 updating, I have included the command line switch “-UpdateOnly” or “-UpdateSilent” for you to run with d7.EXE. When executed, d7 merely checks for updates to itself and installs them if found. In this mode d7 will never update to Pre-Release versions, only final releases. Example usage:
- d7.EXE -UpdateSilent
Automating Ketarin and 3rd Party Application updates:
To automate updating of the Ketarin profile for d7 and running Ketarin to update all apps defined in the profile, plus running Ketarin to update the apps in any other custom profiles you have defined, you may use the “-RunKetarin” command line switch. Example usage:
- d7.EXE -RunKetarin
Automating D7 and Ketarin updates together:
The two above mentioned switches may be combined on the same command line, in addition to command line parameters mentioned elsewhere on this page, as such:
- d7.EXE -UpdateSilent -RunKetarin -MergeDefs -SyncConfigFromServer
Now you can automatically schedule this to run via Windows Task Scheduler, for example every night, which would keep everything updated and ready to go for you at the start of each work day! Simply visit the d7 Config > Scheduling page on the machine you wish to schedule your updates on, check the appropriate options, and create the schedule.
Also, with usage of d7 you may find yourself with multiple copies of d7 in various locations:
- On different flash drives
- On different tech bench computers
- Or used by different technicians in your tech department (and all of their various copies.)
Since part of the purpose of d7 is to ensure a consistency in repair techniques both with yourself and across different technicians, keeping d7’s behavior and definition files consistent is imperative.
Here I will cover several different features of d7 that are designed to keep that consistency.
Synchronizing d7’s Malware Scan definitions:
When using d7, you have the option inside the Malware Scan interface and with right-click Explorer context menu items, to whitelist or blacklist file system and registry objects. The blacklisted items are automatically deleted when running d7’s Pre-Malware Scan, and the whitelisting is applied to objects within d7’s Malware Scan interface.
Problem is, whitelisting or blacklisting an item with d7 one of your flash drives doesn’t whitelist/blacklist the item on your other flash drives, or tech bench computers, etc. etc.
Similarly, for a tech department you may manage, you also want to keep your various tech’s d7 definition files in sync with each other.
For this reason, we have the option under the Main menu > Legacy Features > Sync, Merge, Dump > Merge (MalwareScan Defs.)
We also have the command line parameter “-mergedefs”
How it works: Open this option and select a centralized location (a network share is convenient) to store your definitions. You will select/configure this same location in ALL of your various d7 copies across your different flash drives, different PCs, different technicians, etc.
Next, perform the sync on all of your various d7 copies. Each time you sync a new d7 to this location, it will ensure the master list of definitions and the local (e.g. on your flash drive) list of definitions are the same. When complete, now you have a master list of definitions you can always sync to, in order to keep the definition files the same across all of your flash drives, different techs, etc.
Automated Syncing: d7 by default wants to sync it’s definitions ONCE A WEEK. On startup, d7 checks to see if you have sync’d your definitions within the last week. If not, it then checks to see if the network location is available (where the master list of definition files are stored.) If that location is available, it prompts you to sync the Malware Scan definitions. If the location isn’t available, then naturally d7 doesn’t bother you about it!
You may also configure an automatic sync of your definitions before every Malware tab d7 Auto run, if the network location is available. To do this, go to d7 Config > Behavior tab > General Behavior > Sync Malware Scan Defs at every d7 Auto run.
Synchronizing d7’s Configuration Set:
A similar feature is available for d7’s entire configuration set. The goal is to keep your d7 custom preferences the same across all of your various flash drives, (optionally your different technicians,) etc.
To start the Sync, goto the Main menu > Legacy Features > Sync, Merge, Dump > Sync (d7 Config)
You also have the option, once set up, to use the command line parameter “-syncconfigtoserver” to copy your configuration set to the server, or “-syncconfigfromserver” to copy the configuration set from the server.
Again, I recommend you select a centralized location such as a network share to store your master set.
Start the sync on your first copy of d7, configured exactly the way you want it, to create your master set. Now all your preferences are stored in this location.
Run the Sync again on a different copy of d7, and it will copy all of the preferences from your master set to it’s own directory.
The sync gets every setting in the d7.INI including default d7 Config settings and d7 Auto configs, with the exception that it doesn’t sync your TO EMAIL ADDRESS. It does, however, sync the rest of the email settings. I don’t sync the send to email address, because your various techs may have a different email address configured to send their information to. Other than that, every other setting is sync’d, so all of your technicians and various copies of d7 have the same preferences.
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