All settings under this heading apply to d7’s startup behavior. Some of these settings can be disabled to optimize d7’s startup speed, particularly Check Activation and Check Event Logs.
- Start d7
- Normal Startup merely starts d7
- Ask (F8 Menu) prompts you for many d7 startup parameters, including System Mode, Service Mode, Debug Mode, etc. etc.
- System Mode. Advantages include the ability to bypass permissions issues with file system and registry objects, and all child processes (3rd Party Apps, for example) launched by d7 will also run under the system account. Disadvantages include losing access to network resources to d7 and all child processes.
- Start d7 with processor priority – Option to start d7 with an elevated processor priority.
- Show Hidden/SuperHidden Files – Turns on viewing of hidden and system files in Explorer when d7 opens.
- Show File Extensions – Shows file extensions when d7 opens.
- Disable UAC – Disables User Account Control when d7 opens.
- Enable Shutdown/Restart Prevention – d7 prevents normal attempts to shutdown/restart the system while it is running. This mode can be toggled on/off while running by pressing the DEL key or using the menu option in d7’s Reboot menu in the top of the UI.
- Install Shell Extensions – Installs d7’s Shell Extensions (right-click context menu items for Explorer and additional supporting tools) on every startup.
- Stop Processes/Services on startup – d7 has the ability to stop preconfigured services and terminate processes at every startup. Formerly this was useful for stopping anti-virus software automatically, this is no longer the case as most A/V has methods to prevent this from happening.
- Check for d7 Updates – Checks for updates to d7! Also, this function is essential to pass system messages from ME to YOU. System messages appear in the status bar at the bottom of d7. If an update is available, the new version is displayed in the status bar, else the current system message is displayed.
- Check Windows Event Logs for Issues – Enables the check that triggers Event Log Warnings/Errors on the System Info page.
- Check Device Manager for Issues – Enables the check that triggers Device Manager alerts on the System Info page.
- Check for Windows Activation (Vista-8) – This feature does check activation on Vista+ and can be disabled. It will occur on XP regardless as it is lightning quick, however on Vista+ it takes a bit of time. For this reason, even when this feature is enabled, d7 will only check for activation status ONCE for each PC you run it on, unless it is un-activated in which case it will check every time it launches until it is activated.
- Check HKCRxxxShellOpenCommand – This is the same function as Fix Shell/Run on the Malware tab. d7 checks this area of the registry for malicious activity, and if found can optionally delete the malware and import default values for the shell to launch EXE, COM, BAT, CMD, and REG files.
- Check Time Zone – Checks the time zone of the PC, if it doesn’t match what is configured here, you are offered the option to correct it. Note: You must configure the time zone text properly. You can see a list of time zones to put in the text box by clicking the TZ Help button on any Windows 7 computer.
- Brand OS at every D7 Startup – Option to brand the operating system with your company’s logo and text. See BRANDING SETUP under the SETUP section for more details.
- Install a Custom URL Desktop Shortcut – Installs a shortcut on the all users’ desktop to a URL you specify, optionally with your own custom icon. Set this item up in the OS Branding Config (button at the bottom of the window.)
All settings here apply to general D7 behavior, and are system wide settings.
- Don’t add D7 to RunOnce – D7’s default behavior is to add itself to the HKLM RunOnce key. This is so D7 can restart itself when Windows restarts, or after other activities which D7 may close down for. It also helps D7 resume after crashes. Even when this option is enabled (recommended), D7 will delete this value from the RunOnce each and every time it is shut down properly.
- Delete items to the Recycle Bin – This setting applies to any delete operation you can perform with D7, except the Delete Temp Files functions – temp files are NEVER deleted to the recycle bin, they are permanently removed. If this setting is unchecked, D7 will delete everything permanently.
- Prevent System Sleep Mode – This option is designed to prevent sleep mode on the system while D7 is running. You must restart D7 for this option to take effect.
- Prevent Screen Saver – This option is designed to prevent the screen saver from becoming active while D7 is running. You must restart D7 for this option to take effect.
- Don’t prompt to change screen resolution – when disabled (default) d7 will always check for a screen resolution of 1024×768 and prompt you to change it if it doesn’t meet that res. Note d7 has two different UIs, one for 800×600 and one for 1024×768+
- Replace Task Manager with Process Explorer – This option is uses an IFEO to replace Task Manager (via CTRL-ALT-DEL or other launch methods) with Sysinternals Process Explorer. Process Explorer has the same functionality, but must be manually enabled/disabled via that utility, whereas this option is a set and forget type, so it only takes effect while d7 is running. Closing d7 will remove the IFEO reverting Windows / Task Manager back to normal operation.
- Store Last D7 Run Date/Time in the Registry – Stores date/time for future examination to determine when the last time you worked on the PC was; this info is read from the registry on subsequent runs and displayed on the info tab.
- Disable MSSE/Windefend – d7 attempts to disable Microsoft Security Essentials and Windows Defender while it is running. It will re-enable them on exit.
- Sync Malware Scan Defs – This option offers to sync your Malware Scan definition files with the master lists before D7 Auto on the Malware tab starts the malware removal routine. (Applies to D7 Auto on the Malware tab only.)
- Disable Audible Alerts… – disables the audible tone d7 normally sounds when it (or a custom app) needs attention.
These settings apply to using the d7 Auto button on the Maintenance, Malware, or Offline tabs.
- Display Dates as DD/MM/YYYY – Use a non-US default date format for various date displays within d7.
- UTC Adjustment – Normally d7 displays event log entries in it’s internal event viewer in UTC, setting the adjustment here for your time zone will display the entries in your time.
- Use Crucial UK Scanner… – When clicking the RAM upgrade alert on the System Info page, this will download/run the UK version of Crucial’s RAM scanner instead of the US version, displaying UK pricing and stock counts.
- Remove FoolishEventLogMsgHelper.dll – While d7 is running, it copies this DLL to the %windir%system32 directory. The purpose of this DLL is to enable NT Event Log messages generated by d7 to display properly, and nothing more. You may remove or leave this DLL on the system without any ill side effects. Your choice. By default it is removed. The only advantage of leaving the DLL on the system is that d7 generated events in the Application Event Logs will have properly formatted description text, instead of a missing DLL error message before the event description text.
- Restart stopped services on d7 shutdown – attempts to start any services when d7 shuts down that were configured to stop when d7 starts up (in Startup Behavior)
- Hidden / SuperHidden Files: Useful when configuring the startup behavior to unhide hidden/superhidden files…
- No Action – exactly that.
- Hide on Close – Hides hidden and superhidden files when closing D7.
- Apply Original Setting- Applies the original setting of hidden and superhidden files when closing D7.
- File Extensions: Useful when configuring the startup behavior to unhide file extensions.
- No Action – exactly that.
- Hide on Close – Hides file extensions when closing D7.
- Apply Original Setting- Applies the original setting of file extensions when closing D7.
- User Account Control: Useful when configuring the startup behavior to disable UAC.
- No Action – exactly that.
- Enable on Close – Always enables UAC when closing D7.
- Apply Original Setting- Applies the original setting of UAC when closing D7.
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