That may not make sense to many, so let me break that down.
CryptoPrevent optionally sends email alerts, but you have to configure your own email account in CryptoPrevent so it can do this. Previously, this meant configuring your email account’s SMTP server and putting in your email password.
Now, if you have a Google account email (GMail or Google Workplace) this is no longer the case, you simply need to enter in your Google account email address and that’s it, Google will handle the authentication, so you no longer need to configure your password in CryptoPrevent, it all stays with Google. Yay! (This also means you can enable 2-Factor Authentication with Google for extra security, and you don’t need to create insecure App Passwords to use with an SMTP server configuration.)
* License owners of the Bulk/Resale or White-Label editions should note this option is not configurable through your Bulk Config Tool, and is only available for end users on a case by case basis through the CryptoPrevent software’s user interface.
If you’d like a tutorial, see the short video below.
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