D7 v4.6.4 now includes special methods related to deleting the reparse point created by this malware on the Tweaks tab > NTFS Junctions. The new function is “Destroy Junction” which will be able to delete the junction point on top of the directory where the malware hides, allowing you to then delete that directory. Haven’t seen this malware before? I’m talking about what some call “zeroaccess” and it can be easily identified because you will...
First, I’ve added the ability to use a whitelist with KillEmAll. The feature is designed for adding your remote support app to the whitelist, so you can run KillEmAll on a remote support session and it won’t kill your connection software (e.g. Teamviewer, etc.) You could use the whitelist for other items, but why? Additionally, keep the list SMALL so it doesn’t impact performance / effectiveness of KillEmAll. Why not just add common/popular remote support...
Today I officially released D7 v4.5 New Features: Inside D7’s internal event viewer, you now have the ability to: Write your own messages to the application event log. CLEAR the event logs, and optionally have then backed up. Backups of the event logs are created as %systemroot%%eventlogname%.evt Backups may be opened and viewed with the Windows’ Event Viewer (eventvwr.msc), they are not plain text. The option to CLEAR the event logs is...
Now the functions that manipulate hidden files, superhidden files, and file extensions, take effect INSTANTLY. Previously, the functions would take anywhere from several seconds to even minutes before the changes were noticeable. I never did figure out why that was – but I did figure out how to force the change instantly, because that other mess was just unacceptable. It left a lot of people thinking the functions didn’t work at all! There’s other smaller news...
D7 has a new feature, registry search. What’s so special about the registry search vs. regedit or other registry tools? Search entire registry, or individual keys/subkeys. Search results are all displayed in one window where you can take action on multiple (or all) search results at once. Mass deletion of selected or all results, thanks to the above. Google all or part of a result. Double-click a result to quickly open in regedit. When...
Starting with D7 v4.4.3, just released, I am allowing people to download PRE-RELEASE versions of D7 within the D7 updater. This means that prior to v4.4.4 (and future versions) releases, you’ll be able to download them ahead of time while they are still being developed. Naturally, the PRE-RELEASE version may (or may not!) be more buggy, however it might also be more (or less!) stable, depending on code changes at the time. So if you...
No injury or major damage sustained due to Irene for me and my people, so we were very fortunate. I am having a few issues with my development machine after some power outtages, however I will have all that worked out soon and will be able to continue development on D7 and dSupport!
Improvements to existing functionality since v4.3: Clear Proxy Settings function now works with Firefox! Of course, since my last blog post, I’ve also made these improvements: Fixed issue with Delete Temp Files freezing or causing D7 to crash. Added more registry search locations to Malware Scan (HKU.Default) Added custom search engines to D7 – now you aren’t limited to just Google, you can try Google SSL, Dogpile, Scroogle and Scroogle SSL as predefined...
Starting with D7 4.2.4 and dSupport 1.2, I am rolling out a new feature that uses both apps. The idea is, frequently I find myself removing the Windows password from a client’s computer for various reasons… ya know, they gave you the wrong password at check-in, or they forgot it, or whatever. Point being, you removed their password. At some point they will realize this and maybe they even want that password set again, but...
I love feedback and suggestions, and I try to accommodate everyone who writes in to me, not just donors 😉 I can dig up a long list of helpful suggestions and feedback that I’ve always responded to and/or tried to incorporate into D7 as my limited time and my limited abilities permit… however… What I don’t like, are DEMANDS IN CAPS, especially when you are too much of a moron to visit the config to do what...