First, I hope you know that D7 has ALWAYS done the set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1 environment variable bit before launching Computer Management in the Windows tab, so you can simply select Show Hidden Devices in the Device Manager and see actual missing devices and the Non-Plug and Play Devices category. That feature is a given, and has been around since long before D7 went public. The Missing Non-Plug and Play category in Device Manager: However,...
D7 v4.6.4 now includes special methods related to deleting the reparse point created by this malware on the Tweaks tab > NTFS Junctions. The new function is “Destroy Junction” which will be able to delete the junction point on top of the directory where the malware hides, allowing you to then delete that directory. Haven’t seen this malware before? I’m talking about what some call “zeroaccess” and it can be easily identified because you will...
Never forget DNS! Had this issue recently, where QB literally took 10 minutes to load the default company file. When no company file was loaded by default, QB started almost instantly. Network traffic was nil, and I could access the appropriate share without issue. It took me a minute to add two and two. Note by “server” I mean any machine hosting your Quickbooks company file, and by “workstation” I mean any PC with...
Exactly as it sounds. Outlook freezes for a bit, after 5-10 minutes finally displays “disconnected” from Exchange server. Cannot connect, and any attempt to do so will freeze it up again until it finally fails. No error messages. The Fix: correct the system time! Turns out this client’s system time was set to a MERE 40 minutes into the future. Imagine that – it causes Outlook to freeze up when trying to connect to Exchange....
So I ran into this issue again, (see my previous post here), and again after a TDSS rootkit and other malware removal… but my previous “fix” of taking ownership/permissions of the user’s %temp% directory didn’t work this time. After numerous attempts at fixing the issue with trying to take permissions on various locations suggested in various articles, I gave up. But I fixed it. By “gave up” I mean, I assigned new permissions to...
When installing any app using the Windows Installer service, you get error 2203 either by the app’s installer or in the system event logs reported by Windows Installer. You’ve probably got a permissions issue. Microsoft and various articles suggest you don’t have all the appropriate permissions to the “install” directory. This is different for every app and is typically CREATED with default permissions, unless it already exists, so what gives?! Some articles suggest the “installer”...
First, what I’m trying to accomplish is not XP Visual Styles or any of that mess. I’m only after ensuring that the application runs as Administrator on Windows Vista-10 boxes, so it functions properly. I’ve found numerous resources on manifest creation and embedding, all in various locations with some different techniques, all seem to involve a convoluted process of embedding the manifest, and even creation is wacky with padding the manifest to an even 1k...
So I just noticed, after several years, I had an unpublished draft in blogger. So I check it out, and decided to post it below, because it’s still good info for those who don’t know. This must be several years old. I don’t really use that method any longer – I do the vast majority of virus removals while on a live system, not in an offline environment as mentioned below. Anyway, here’s an unmodified...
Sure, everybody’s got them, for one reason or another. Maybe that pesky “do not import duplicates” check box seems to taunt you with failed promises. Who knows. But most people have run into this, right? Sure, there are apps out there, nothing free that I’ve found, but for $20-$50 you can buy a program to rid you of the duplicates, often they are even complicated with lots of duplicate finding criteria you’ll need to muddle...
Wow! Make virtual hard disks of physical ones! Get it HERE. That will greatly simplify the existing process of creating a virtual hard disk and cloning to it, by either mounting it (real pain) or from inside a running virtual machine (still a hassle.) Of course they aren’t likely to release compatibility for a non-MS format, but at least can use MS VHD format in VirtualBox.