Just a reminder… If you don’t know what you are doing with D7, then please don’t use it! It is a tool for experienced users and PC technicians who know what they are looking at. You can do major damage to your operating system and software if you aren’t familiar with something. Unfortunately there are no plans to produce any sort of log files (e.g. HJT style) for me or anyone else to examine, so...
Hopefully no one will ever have to visit them! (But if you do, I’ll be there.) foolishit.freeforums.org
If you’ve got a problem with D7, or any application for that matter, it’s always best to RTFM. Not to be harsh, but posting hateful garbage on internet forums because you didn’t RTFM isn’t the way to get your issues resolved in any situation. If you can’t RTFM for some reason, then I’ll try to answer your questions, providing that you ask nicely
So I just got this email, and this site has posted my current version for download, and stating I’m an award winner, with this banner URL referenced for, I assume, my use. At least for the moment, I’m featured on the main landing page for the site. The product page is here. Well, thanks guys, and to Al who uploaded it! I’m honored!
Yep! As of 5-9-11 D7 is featured on the homepage of Majorgeeks.com! Thank you Tim @ Majorgeeks for approving D7, and certifying it spy/malware/virus free! Visit Majorgeeks to grab your copy today! http://www.majorgeeks.com/D7_d6954.html
Well, not so new to me and my crew, I finally decided that it was working (almost) well enough to go public, so I jumped the gun and posted it on the Technibble forums first, just to see what happened (hey, it’s not like anyone reads this blog.) So far, it looks like people like it – and I like that! So what is it? D7 is a tool for PC technicians to aid in...
My apps (www.d7xtech.com) aren’t that good. I won’t deny it, but they fill a void that I need filled, because you generally can’t find that functionality elsewhere (or at least, couldn’t at the time I wrote them.) Enter www.safer-networking.org the people behind Spybot Search & Destroy. This article isn’t about Spybot S&D (I could dwell on that for a while) but rather about some of the website’s other promising offerings: RunAlyzer and RegAlyzer. First I...