Just noticed this article (currently on the front page) … I spend so much time in the forums I forget to check that every once in a while! Also want to let ppl know I have new YouTube vids available: D7 – 3rd Party Tools Setup Revised D7 – Adding Your Own Custom Applications And for those who haven’t fired it up in a while, we’re up to D7 v4.1.6!
If you’ve got a problem with D7, or any application for that matter, it’s always best to RTFM. Not to be harsh, but posting hateful garbage on internet forums because you didn’t RTFM isn’t the way to get your issues resolved in any situation. If you can’t RTFM for some reason, then I’ll try to answer your questions, providing that you ask nicely 😉
So I just got this email, and this site has posted my current version for download, and stating I’m an award winner, with this banner URL referenced for, I assume, my use. At least for the moment, I’m featured on the main landing page for the site. The product page is here. Well, thanks guys, and to Al who uploaded it! I’m honored!
Dear Internet, [LMAO Conan!] I used to think that experience made all the difference. Well, I still do, yet when you are not using the knowledge gained by all that experience on a regular basis, you loose a bit of it, sometimes a good bit. Hey, that’s why we make notes, right? Enter OneNote. Thanks, M$. Leave it to you to introduce one of the best things out there, only to have folks neglect it’s...
Ok ok, I created this blog in May 2007 and posted 2 issues, with no activity until 7 posts in 10 minutes of May 2009. What’s up with that? Actually in May or June of ‘07, I registered a new domain and recreated my blog on a hosting site with the url www.d7xtech.com/captainsblog/ … I never posted an update or redirect on the blogger site … but sometime last year I switched hosting and naturally...
Ever found out your WHS connector software was missing? I mean, from the server side! Well normally it would reside in \serverSoftwareHome Server Connector Software, aka http://server:55000 — but sometimes not. At least not for me when my laptop was nagging me for a connector upgrade that simply wasn’t there… It seems some users have been mysteriously missing these files due to a PP1 install, while others simply deleted it. I discovered mine missing after...
Here’s a tech blog for other techies, primarily centered around the experiences and observations of a seasoned Windows tech. Sometimes you just gotta share what you learn, and that’s what this is all about. Have a strange problem? Maybe I have a strange solution! There’s a lot of that going around in the Windows world. There are tons of places to get help and tech solutions on the web, unfortunately many of them provide the...