Google Hangout TODAY, 45 min from now! You must be in my circles, so add me and I’ll know to add you back. You must be in my circles, so add me and I’ll know to add you back.
Thinking of doing a Hangout Saturday, probably 4pm ET. Any takers? Also, if you’re in need if a coupon code, you might want to watch!
As with some of my blog posts, they are all about recording information so that I can reference that info in the future, should I completely forget how to do something later on. That’s what this post is about, how I got my apps digitally signed. Starting the process, I went to and purchased a level 2 verification for $60. In the mean time, I had to create a CSR (code signing request or...
“Is D7 really so buggy that you have to update it every couple of days? Dude, why not wait for a legitimate major update once a month or less? It’s like you can’t get it right,.sort of like Bill what his name…Go fly a kite at Kitty Hawk…“ [EDITED: Reason being, I flew off the handle a little bit…] Some anonymous scum bag who likes drive-by internet put downs sent me that just a few minutes...
On November 21st, I will be starting a new career. Currently, I manage a team of techs at a computer store in one city, where I keep an apartment to live at during the week, and I drive 2 hours back home every weekend where I work my side computer business. This couldn’t last forever, so I had to find work in my home town. Problem is, there simply aren’t enough jobs there… So...
No injury or major damage sustained due to Irene for me and my people, so we were very fortunate. I am having a few issues with my development machine after some power outtages, however I will have all that worked out soon and will be able to continue development on D7 and dSupport!
FYI, this hurricane is headed straight for us. We are in Manteo on Roanoke Island right in between the Outer Banks of NC and the mainland. Basically, we are DEAD CENTER of hurricane Irene’s path… This means that, if I live lol, I will probably be without power for a little while starting tomorrow, plus there will be plenty to do around here even if we do have power… So no D7 updates in the immediate future....
I love feedback and suggestions, and I try to accommodate everyone who writes in to me, not just donors 😉 I can dig up a long list of helpful suggestions and feedback that I’ve always responded to and/or tried to incorporate into D7 as my limited time and my limited abilities permit… however… What I don’t like, are DEMANDS IN CAPS, especially when you are too much of a moron to visit the config to do what...
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