d7x FastTrack builds replaced d7II in October 2017
d7x is now available; released as an update for all d7II subscribers as part of their current subscription. Read the history at the bottom of the d7x Release Information (and see what we’re doing now!) The d7x Release Notes can also be found in the d7x Manual.
This page documents the revision notes of d7II only; you can also find the original (and extensive) d7 Revision History here.
d7II Revision History
v3.6.87 – 10/24/2017
- Version Increment Only (no code change) – released along with the d7x FastTrack update, this version allows for d7II usage as a backup/fail-safe without update prompts and without honoring automatic updates via d7II config settings.
v3.6.86 – 3/1/2016
- Maintenance Release (no code change) – the previous release fixes an issue with the compatibility section of the d7II application manifest, which can allow Windows to alter d7II.exe operation. Along with the fix, compatibility information was added to the manifest for Windows 10, but unfortunately due to some rather strange decisions during the version numbering scheme changes for Windows 10 internal builds and in the way it reports itself to applications, d7II internal code began to interpret Windows 10 as Windows Vista (instead of Windows 8.1 as previously.) In short, this release resolves an issue with custom apps not running as expected when configured for OS restrictions beyond Vista.
v3.6.85 – 1/26/2016
- Maintenance Release (no code change) – fixed an incorrect case in the application manifest rendering some intended sections invalid, and applied download settings changes for some 3rd party applications (mostly Sysinternals utilities) to fix issues with recent changes from those software vendors.
v3.6.84 – 7/13/2015
- Maintenance Release (no code change) – applied SxS information to the executable manifest for d7II.exe dependencies (.DLL/.OCX files,) bypassing any system registered copy (and any mismatch version issues which may have occurred recently,) but taking advantage of SxS features only available since XP SP2, and requiring the chilkat dll and codejock 16.4 ocx file remain present in the d7II dir. d7II v3.6.4 must be used for pre-XP+SP2 systems.
v3.6.4 – 6/26/2015 FINAL CODE UPDATE
- Previous version may delete itself on End Session regardless of configuration – fixed!
- Previous version may display a download error when opening – fixed!
v3.6.1 – 6/26/2015
- Changes to d7II dependency typelib detection/download/regsvr32 code to resolve a potential issue
- d7II Internal Function to update all 3rd party apps at once (replacing the Ketarin default apps functionality) now only updates items you have configured in your profiles, not all custom apps that exist (this should alleviate an issue causing d7II to download the same app multiple times if it has different attributes from different download locations in different app configs.)
v3.6.0 – 6/9/2015
- Added ability to download all custom apps used by d7II on the Check for Updates screen, replacing Ketarin ‘DefaultApps_db’ functionality and the need to keep that updated separately from our default custom apps configs.
- For above, implemented new download code to only download files when a local copy doesn’t match the file on the remote server.
- Also for above (and in prep for other new stuff) the custom app downloads should no longer delete the original downloaded file (if it was an archive to extract) in order for file comparisons. Instead the file to be downloaded (if it already exists) will be copied to a temp location until the download either succeeds or fails, and will restore upon failure or be deleted finally upon success.
- App/Function icons! Enable/Disable d7II Function or Custom App icons in Config > Personalize
v3.5.58 – 3/13/2015 (Another Friday… why do I do this?)
- Fixed Default and Custom work report descriptions not showing up for d7II Internal Functions in Work Report.html – http://foolishtech.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2181
- Fixed system detail click on system info tab not copying the correct system model number to clipboard when opening mfgr’s support website to search for the model number.
- Fixed Auto-Generate ticket number on start session prompt to save setting to disable itself – was not saving the setting after enabling, then disabling again.
- Corrected Fab’s Autobackup language in the UI to not specify versions 4 or 5 when anything 4+ works.
v3.5.56 – 2/25/2015
- Resolved an issue recognizing the most current dFunk version from the update file.
- Fixed an issue with updating Custom Apps profiles properly – please re-download the default apps after the update via the Check Updates screen, even if it reports no update for them just check the box anyway.
- The update/fix above is important to get new Hitman Pro (and manual version) custom apps profiles that utilize the main download URL for the time being until (IF) the former branded one can be updated. These updated URLs link to a slightly newer version of HMP that cleans PUPs by default, whereas the other version did not. http://www.foolishtech.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2129
- Resolved an important issue for the dUninstaller function of editing file/reg definitions for brute force deletion, where data loss occurred when saving definition modifications via the UI. This issue also affects stand-alone editions of dUninstaller. http://foolishtech.com/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=2193
v3.5.55 – 2/18/2015
- Fixed a function designed to retrieve the PID from running processes, which is used in several functions.
- Attempted fix: d7II not removing its Windows RunOnce registry setting at End Session which enables it to restart after a reboot.
- Fixed d7II Safe Mode not deleting the d7II temp directory during End Session.
- Fixed d7II not starting when in Malware Auto Mode after a reboot.
v3.5.49 – 2/16/2015
- Fixed an issue causing the last build of d7II to hang while starting if you had a blank CustomTools.cfg or CustomScripts.cfg in the ConfigSortOrder directory.
- Fixed RegSvr32 All System Files function to properly detect the SysWOW64 directory on 64bit systems.
v3.5.40 – 2/14/2015 “Saturday 14th Edition: Doh!”
- Fixed issue with last release and a missing constant after some code revisions, which caused arrays to not get populated properly with file system objects in most of d7II’s operations causing multiple issues, e.g. http://www.foolishtech.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2156
- Fixed issue with the Session Start prompt. http://www.foolishtech.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2157
v3.5.39 – 2/13/2015 “Friday 13th Edition”
- Began a restructure based on some ideas to develop more functional integrations with RepairShopr
- Updated KillEmAll (internal to d7II, not the external version which will remain unchanged.) Re-wrote core functions – can now detect process properties for processes running under the local system account; also made speed improvements for whitelist loading, array sorting, and comparisons, and began a user interface refresh. It also now runs silently in-between custom apps when enabled in Auto Mode on the Malware tab.
- Revised code in a number of core functions involving working with file system objects, especially with speed and accuracy in routines involving file existence checks and deletions, making the routines smarter and removing a lot of redundancy.
- Replaced some WMI code with faster API methods, namely in process detection related functions.
- Updated how ‘frmBlocker’ (displayed when using the Lock Screen function from the Main menu) displays statusbar updates, returning some control to an outside subroutine which should always filter out the Foolish IT/dMZ notifications from the text displayed.
- Statusbar update message updates now refresh the form being displayed (the user interface, be it the main window, a splash screen, whatever) and will break ‘not responding’ messages and restore responsiveness to the form, even if only temporarily.
- Re-wrote a lot of main and safe mode form code merging similar code into modules – giving a more consistent experience between the two modes.
- Re-wrote the technician email loading code for the various locations where sending an email is an option, also merging the code for a consistent experience.
- Fixed issues with d7II loading the main form and safe mode form simultaneously.
- Fixed multiple issues with 424 object errors in d7II Safe Mode during many operations.
- Made some code changes related to d7II installing itself as a system service for various reasons.
- Made some code changes related to certain d7II file deletion operations, removing some redundancy.
- Multiple improvements and fixes to basic Custom Apps code functionality, and preparation for some major functional additions.
- New methodology for retrieving log files from custom apps, essentially forming a queue which is re-checked at certain times, ensuring certain circumstances (like unexpected reboots) will not prevent d7II from retrieving the logs.
- Improvements in working with regsvr32.exe on 64bit systems.
- Fixed several issues with properly retrieving and registering a required .dll for TLS enabled email functionality.
- Fixed issues with loading/unloading custom configurable menus (e.g. Tools, Scripts, Search)
- Fixed issues with selected tab control going blank after resizing a form.
- Fixed a recent issue in which d7II was incorrectly determining the user profile directory of the current user for variable replacement in custom apps strings (instead reporting the parent directory.)
- Fixed a TON of minor annoyances.
- Re-wrote a lot of code to merge and store more of the commonly used strings and data into other formats for multiple benefits.
- Re-wrote code detection of current application properties and environment, first speeding up the code, and second making it more precise in making decisions when re-launch conditions occur (should d7II.exe spawn multiple instances unexpectedly, especially if combined with unexpected program terminations, this will fix issues caused by a new, ‘confused’ copy of d7II.exe negatively affecting configuration and subsequent operation.)
v3.4.15 – 1/28/2015
- Cut down some extra functions during delete temp files routine to speed up the process.
- Added total space freed to work report after deleting various temp files from d7II internal functions.
- When deleting Cookies and Internet History via d7II internal functions the user account name being operated on is now displayed in the lower statusbar (just like it is for temp and temp internet files.)
- Fixed an issue properly detecting the all users/public desktop folder when d7II is run with system access. This affects functionality such as creating an SFX Mini to creating the Windows 7 God Mode and Windows 8 Applications folders on the desktop.
v3.4.10 – 1/27/2015
- Fixed an error saving newly created custom apps under certain circumstances. http://www.foolishtech.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2095
- Fixed work report text not being logged for d7II internal functions. http://www.foolishtech.com/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2098
v3.4.9 – 1/26/2015
- All updates this release referring to “MBAM” affect Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Custom Apps profiles (v2, quick, and full) or -ANY- Custom Apps profile you create with “mbam-setup.exe” or “mbam2-setup.exe” in the “Run Installer…” box on the Pre-Execution tab.
- MBAM profiles now adhere to the automatic re-download and work report related Persistent Settings in its custom apps configuration.
- MBAM definition update success determination and resulting actions now occur automatically.
- Removed multiple MBAM prompts before and after launch and replaced with a single option prompt with several options, which can be set to auto-continue after several seconds if ignored, also automatically applying the previously used settings.
- Default populated email addresses End Session tab are now loaded and saved with the Save Settings button.
- Fixed misc issues with certain configuration settings not saving properly.
v3.4.3 – 1/19/2015
- Fixed Merge Definitions function not working with dCloud (only self-hosted FTP) when added to custom boxes as an arrangable item.
v3.4.2 – 12/7/2014
- Fixed issues with the first item configured in the Folders menu.
- Added config option to start d7II in Safe Mode first at the beginning of every new session (Config > Session/Misc > Session Start Options)
- Added Restart d7II in Safe Mode options to the top Run menu.
- Password input is no longer masked when entering autologon password for user accounts via the Users menu.
v3.4.1 – 11/13/2014
- Fixed an issue with d7II running MailPV.exe during info report gathering if it already existed in 3rd Party Tools
v3.4.0 – 11/4/2014
- Introducing a new “Safe Mode” for d7II – providing you with a small yet resizable interface to run d7II repairs/functions or custom apps without loading the full d7II interface, which can be problematic and subject to freezing on some heavily damaged Windows installs. Hold the CTRL key while starting d7II to access the Startup Options menu with this option.
- The custom functions/scripts have now been completely removed including the older startup script option – use the newer Startup section in Custom Apps config for this purpose (the %scriptdir% variable can be used to point to the scripts directory.)
- Holding CTRL key while starting d7II now pops up the old F8 Startup Options menu instead of the startup script. Some complication made the previous F8 key method a poor choice for this purpose.
- Added direct download link for the main d7II.exe to the updates screen, if there are automatic update issues in the future.
v3.3.44 – 10/31/2014
- Resolved an issue (hopefully all of them) causing a hang during d7II update for future updates (note fix will not take effect until next update.)
- Removed Nirsoft apps from Reports generation process that no longer accept command line parameters (MailPV, WirelessKeyView) however they will still execute and put the info in the reports IF you have the older versions already downloaded that still honor command line support.
- Added removed Nirsoft apps to Reports box for manual usage.
- Added URL spoofing when downloading some Nirsoft apps that now require it (resolving ‘data not available’ when downloading.)
v3.3.40 – 10/30/2014
- Changed dFunk.exe to run under the local system account, to easily bypass file system/registry permissions.
- Fixed a ‘select a valid Windows directory’ when launching dFunk from the MalwareScan function.
v3.3.7 – 10/28/2014
- Introduced dFunk (MalwareScan v7) as a new d7II internal function!
- Reorganized top menus slightly (Main, FTP) and put dCloud inside FTP menu.
- “Config/Defs Portal” in new dCloud/FTP menu will now open the dCloud Portal by default, or your FTP Config/Defs Portal if you have the FTP server option configured.
- Tweaked internal delete functionality.
- Misc. tweaks to certain string parsing functions.
v3.3.6 – 10/13/2014
- Fixed an issue which could prevent custom app chaining from functioning properly.
v3.3.5 – 10/13/2014
- Auto Mode now scrolls the custom boxes to select the currently running app/function.
- Added “Merge d7II Definitions” function (which combines local and cloud definitions) to d7II Internal Functions list so you can drop that inside a custom box. Search All d7II Functions for ‘merge’ to find it.
v3.3.4 – 10/13/2014
- Added optional support for SSL/TLS and StartTLS encryption in internal email functionality (previously only SSL was supported.) Required dependencies will be downloaded as necessary.
- Fixed Auto Mode on Offline Operations tab not unchecking Custom Apps (therefore it would continually re-run the same app..)
- Fixed MailPV from Nirsoft popping up when performing certain email functions (was used to snatch email addresses on the system for populating TO:/CC: fields, but Nir has removed command line functionality from that app.)
- Fixed Tweaks tab selections not executing in Auto Mode.
- Fixed Tweaks custom box not loading Auto Mode profile selections.
- Fixed Tweaks and Offline custom boxes not accepting drag n’ drop operations from the floating App/Function window.
- Fixed listbox in Config > Custom Apps stealing focus away from various text boxes when you hovered the mouse over it.
- Lower status bar in main d7II window is now underlined if you can click on it to go to an internet link.
- Lower status bar can now rotate between multiple messages, for multiple d7II important alerts, and for adding the next option.
- “Your Apps” on Custom Apps tab of config is now called “User Created Apps” which makes more sense than “Your” or “My”
- Added dMZ News option for lower statusbar messages; this can be excluded from display in Config > Register/Personalize > Personalize. Does not disable special announcements.
v3.2.15 – 10/9/2014
- Updated to add detection of Windows 10
- Added dMZ links menu for Bertie and crew 🙂
v3.2.8 – 10/7/2014
- Fixed (yes, finally!) an issue from v3.2.5 where hovering the mouse over a custom box in the main d7II window would cause that window to gain focus over any other windows open at the time, dropping them to the background.
- Separated Delete Windows Update Temp Dir from the standard Delete Temp Files function into it’s own function.
v3.2.6 – 10/4/2014
- Added new right-click item on custom apps from d7II’s main interface to add a custom app/function to your custom boxes (this also enables the drag n’ drop feature between custom boxes.)
- Added new right-click item on custom apps from d7II’s main interface to remove a custom app/function from your custom boxes.
- d7II now auto-generates a date/time based ticket number instead of using ‘x’ when you are configured to skip the session start prompt.
- Fixed error 5 when running d7II Stress Utility.
v3.2.5 – 10/3/2014
- Added automatic generation of ticket number on start session prompt for those without ticket tracking systems.
- Fixed an unintended static path to the report logo in the HTML code of the Custom and Work Reports.
- Fixed a rundll32 error when deleting temporary internet files / etc. on Windows XP with IE6.
- A few text boxes that didn’t have vertical scroll bars, and seriously needed them, now have them.
- You no longer have to select an item in a custom box to use the scroll bar from a scroll mouse, just hover the mouse over the custom box to activate.
v3.2.4 – 9/29/2014
- Added keyword search filters to the d7II Internal Event Viewer.
- Changed terminology of “Login Technician” on the session start prompt to reflect all that it currently does, which is only to set the default Recipient Email address for automated emails. Also changing this setting no longer changes the Reply Email address, which will now stay as configured in Config.
- Fixed items in custom boxes not getting selected/highlighted when you click on them with the right mouse button.
- Misc minor tweaks to existing functionality.
v3.2.1 – 9/28/2014
- Added new ability to chain Custom Apps or d7II Internal Functions to other Custom Apps! The ‘chained’ custom app or function will run upon the parent custom app completion. An app may also run itself multiple times. Also configurable are the max number of apps that can be chained together to prevent looping and redundancy. Apps configured to wait in service mode cannot have chains connected to them.
- New feature to pipe and ENTER key to a custom app when run from CMD.EXE, making it possible for apps like MBRCheck (log only) and VipreRescueScanner to run fully automated. (New default app configs to follow)
- Added functionality to override default custom app settings for new Chained Custom App setting, also for Download after x Days setting, and Prior Alert / Email Alert settings. Moved these settings to new Custom tab in Custom Apps Configuration.
- Moved short description and work report language fields to new Custom tab in Custom Apps configuration – so it is clear that these two items can be saved independently of the rest of the configuration for that app, so it won’t get overwritten on updates.
- Navigating Custom Apps in config is slightly less confusing due to showing/hiding some tabs depending on what is unnecessary for the current selection.
- Misc minor fixes.
v3.1.50 – 9/27/2014
- Fixed an issue where d7II would wait indefinitely on .VBS scripts when run as part of Auto Mode.
- Fixed a run time crash when capturing screen shots.
v3.1.48 – 9/26/2014
- Added ability to add multiple copies of certain d7II functions to the same custom box (Alert/Email Alert and the Reboot functions.)
- Updated d7II to use a non-standard port in the upper range for communications with my servers when the standard port fails.
- Fixed (App/?) showing for all custom apps in the detailed description pane, should now properly reflect the app state when configured (e.g. Auto/Silent/Manual)
- Fixed days until activation not showing in Windows Activation alert on Vista+
- Fixed days until activation not showing in Windows Activation alert on XP not rounding off excessively long numbers that represent fractions of a day.
- Fixed Windows Service Pack and Internet Explorer outdated alerts not showing up in the System Info tab > Alerts column when applicable.
v3.1.40 – 9/25/2014
- Fixed Malware Auto Mode not running items in custom box 3.
- Added a much needed search feature on the Config > Custom Apps tab, applicable for custom apps and d7II internal functions.
- Fix for dUninstaller not applying whitelisting settings when a blacklist did not exist.
- Misc minor changes.
v3.1.28 – 9/23/2014
- Changed to a new server address affecting several d7II functions.
v3.1.27 – 9/22/2014
- Fixed an issue with Ninite One installing when it should have been updating on SERVER OSes.
v3.1.26 – 9/21/2014
- Fixed crash if you used a right click custom app action without actually selecting something in a listbox first.
- Removed MailPV from the Info Report until Nirsoft produces a new app with command line parameter support.
- Defaults will now be written to custom apps/function boxes when accepting the first time EULA.
v3.1.22 – 9/16/2014
- Fixed right-click > Configure App option for Apps and d7II Internal Functions.
- Fixed some auto mode apps being rechecked after reboot during auto modes.
v3.1.19 – 9/15/2014
- Added some scroll bars to a few text boxes and other misc usability tweaks.
- Added population of Ninite One apps list.
- Misc improvements to the Alerts system on the System Info tab.
- Misc tweaks and adjustments.
v3.1.12 – 9/14/2014
- d7II now downloads ProcessExplorer automatically if it replaces Task Manager and it doesn’t already exist in the 3rd party tools dir.
- Fixed End Session options not properly retrieving FTP credentials.
- Fixed Custom 2 box on Audit/Diagnose/Testing tab not saving/restoring profile information.
- Fixed some custom boxes not loading preferences if a reboot occurred during Auto Mode.
- Misc Fixes.
v3.1.5 – 9/14/2014
- Enabled somewhat finicky right-click Drag n’ Drop between listboxes on all tabs. Enable in the HELP menu, and be sure to disable when finished organizing boxes.
v3.0.35 – 9/13/2014
- Added Restore Default Apps Lists button (to populate listboxes with default actions) in Config > Custom Apps > Assign to Section
- Fixed missing right-click menus on some new custom listboxes.
- Fixed install custom hosts file function
- Made corrections to language system (to save descriptions apart from custom app config files.)
v3.0.30 – 9/12/2014
- Technician (default email address for d7II communications) can be set at Session Start prompt, useful for multiple techs using the same config.
- Fixed items not launching properly from the tools / scripts menus.
- d7II now ignores the ‘A/V disabled’ alert when it is configured to shut down Microsoft Security Essentials / Windows Defender.
- Update to trim spaces from registration data before saving, to fix issues if one might copy/paste in extra spaces causing invalid registration prompts.
- Fixed End Session tab not loading preferences when selected.
- Updated d7II to work with an updated version of the d7II_SFX_Mini
v3.0.20 – 9/12/2014
- Introducing d7II Functions (in the Custom Apps config) allowing you to add internal d7II functions to Custom Boxes along with Custom Apps.
- Custom Apps and d7II Functions now have a second description line under them in all listboxes. This can be disabled individually in Config > Register/Personalize.
- NiniteOne functionality expanded to include different configurations for workstation install/update and server install/update.
- Added auto-save of temporary custom report when d7II shuts itself down normally.
- Fixed FTP Reports storage not zipping reports when configured, and not uploading to the correct path when configured other than root “/”
- Split v3 updates from v2.
v2.3.25 – 9/7/2014
- Fixed tech email address book not saving.
- Fixed End Session options not loading properly.
- Fixed several issues with FTP reports uploads.
- Fixed Ninite Apps not saving with profiles. (really!)
- Fixed the TEST email button in Config.
v2.3.18 – 9/6/2014
- Reorganized Maintenance tab, repurposed/renamed Custom Apps and Custom Installers listboxes to “Custom Apps (Auto)” and “Custom Apps (Manual)”
- Inserted an Email Alert Now option in between the new Custom Apps (Auto) and Custom Apps (Manual)
- Automation note: Now (if you organize your custom apps appropriately between the Auto and Manual boxes) when you run Maintenance it is automated with all auto functions and apps running first, an optional email alert being sent at this point, and manual apps and functions (if selected) running last.
v2.3.15 – 9/6/2014
- Fixed hang during Maintenance Auto Mode.
- Added email alert option to custom apps.
- Added a details field to the d7II Internal Event Viewer.
v2.3.11 – 9/6/2014
- Fixed an issue with d7II detecting process names in all caps, affecting multiple functions.
- Fixed email dialog in Manage/Send Reports from hanging d7II when opening.
v2.3.8 – 9/5/2014
- Fixed incorrect crash dump date reported on System Info tab.
- Added ‘passed checks’ to Alerts column on system info page.
- Removed old labels for alerts on system info tab, replaced with descriptive text box.
- Added a copy of alert text to a temporary log you can use to add these alerts to the custom report.
- Updated Low RAM and Update Internet Explorer alerts to accomodate for the latest versions of Windows and IE.
- Misc Fixes.
v2.2.32 – 9/4/2014
- Corrected several issues when loading d7II causing undesired results on the System Info tab.
- Added buttons to insert line breaks and hyperlinks in the Custom Work Report (which accepts most HTML code, FYI, anything that can go inside the body tags.)
- Began the process of modularizing some config areas, separating the FTP config, Email config, and Registration/dCloud/Tech Password to their own files in the Config dir.
- CTRL+C no longer opens a browse for cmd prompt dialog (still in the Run menu though,) as it conflicted with copying text in the reports area.
- Misc Fixes.
v2.2.20 – 9/1/2014
- You are now alerted when using dCloud config/defs storage functions if you have your own FTP server setup – some people forget or don’t know – with option to proceed using dCloud or switch to the FTP Portal.
- Specifying 0 in the custom apps “re-download after x days” setting now ensures a download will be attempted every time – if the attempted download fails it will default to an existing copy of the app.
v2.2.19 – 8/31/2014
- Added delete temp IE internet files function to the updates dialog – as this will quickly fix many download/update issues such as update loops.
- Introduced feature to Highlight Custom Apps based on automation level (Config > Register/Personalize) Currently non-bold items are fully automated, but silent; bold items are fully automated and visible. Gray highlighted items signify custom apps requiring some manual interaction.
v2.2.11 – 8/29/2014
- Fixed a minor issue with the Links menu not launching URLs as expected.
- Lower statusbar text now displays RED text for important alerts, update alerts will display GREEN, and hyperlinked text will be underlined and display BLUE if not overridden by red/green.
v2.2.2 – 8/29/2014
- Fixed: dUninstaller now properly writes application names to the log file.
- Fixed: Merging definitions during End Session for dCloud was using an FTP, and vice versa.
- Implemented a new Virtual Evaluation mode for evaluating d7II inside a virtual machine without a license.
v2.1.11 – 8/27/2014
- Enabled ability to configure custom logo/graphic names in d7II Config > Register/Personalize (so now you can use the same graphic for multiple logo areas, e.g. your Splash, Report, and SFX_Mini logos could all be the same file.)
v2.1.9 – 8/27/2014
- Fixed issue in KillEmAll not processing internal whitelisting properly.
v2.1.8 – 8/27/2014
- Changed around the Config options a little bit; added automatic Time Zone config setting entry in Windows 7/8.
v2.1.6 – 8/27/2014
- d7II User Account Mgmt (User Accounts menu) now has ability to hide/show last user on login screen (hide would force a user to enter credentials.)
- d7II User Account Mgmt (User Accounts menu) now has ability to change the profile directory of the selected user account, making it easier to move a user account without moving data, e.g. moving a domain user to local account or vice versa.
v2.1.1 – 8/26/2014
- Added Build Custom Work Report (Reports > Other Tasks) where you can pick and choose the standard work report logging to add, modify it in anyway, add entries manually, and/or add pre-configured snippets of text, etc.
- A bunch of minor tweaks here and there.
v2.0.25 – 8/25/2014
- Fixed QA/Testing tab Auto Mode running items in an order other than the top-bottom/left-right order displayed on the tab.
- Reports Successfully Uploaded message during Audit/Diag (and in Auto Mode) will now close automatically in a few seconds, so as not to hinder automation.
- Changed port for dCloud connectivity to bypass some firewalls blocking standard ports.
- Initial registration prompt now asks for Technician Password confirmation, checks for required fields before continuing (all fields are required), the Test Login button should properly report failures, you will now be notified upon failure if it is a server connectivity issue or invalid credentials, and in the case of server connectivity issues you are prompted to visit the Troubleshooting section of the Online Manual.
v2.0.16 – 8/23/2014
- Fixed recent issue where LAN IP was not displayed.
v2.0.15 – 8/23/2014
- Work Report now displays a time stamped “Work Completed” text at the end unless you disable this in Config > Reports (and it will be time stamped if that is configured.)
- LAN IP Address on the System Info page should no longer get confused if a loopback nic adapter is installed.
v2.0.11 – 8/22/2014
- Fixed dUninstaller (UI) uninstalling highlighted items in addition to checked items.
- Misc fixes and tweaks.
v2.0.7 – 8/18/2014
- Beefed up Safe Mode repair routine to fix issues after malware attacks that remove critical registry entries, causing a BSOD/Restart when entering Safe Mode.
- Automatically runs Safe Mode repair routine prior to any reboot in Safe Mode from within d7II’s interface.
- Now you can repair Safe Mode from a WinPE boot disk or other means! Added offline Safe Mode repair routine to the Offline Operations tab for offline Windows installations.
v2.0.6 – 8/16/2014
- Fixed an issue with d7II not starting properly as a system service when required.
- Fixed broken Site Search menus.
- Minor fixes and improvements to various functions.
- Complete revamp of a core routine used in numerous functions throughout the application for speed, stability, and accuracy.
v1.9.0 – 8/15/2014
- Tweaked code restructuring and modifications since 1.8.51 release.
- Scripts stored in your d7II Scripts directory can now be used as custom apps, perfect for the session start section! .bat/.cmd/.vbs/.reg supported; reg files will be imported automatically. Executable Path syntax: %scriptdir%MyScript.vbs
v1.8.70 – 8/13/2014
- Added dBug to the updates screen.
- Misc code restructuring.
v1.8.63 – 8/13/2014
- Fixed an issue where d7II wasn’t adding itself back to the RunOnce key when configured, so it wasn’t restarting after running a custom app that it was configured to wait on in service mode.
v1.8.62 – 8/13/2014
- Fixed issues caused by replacing certain WMI functions in the previous version rendering d7II unable to start.
- Cleaned up some misc and minor issues based on errors reported from a normal d7II startup in the debug logs.
v1.8.51 – 8/13/2014
- Changed most routines to detect running processes and process PIDs when necessary affecting d7II startup, and a variety of internal functions. It appears that the former method of using WMI may have been causing issues with d7II startup and/or other internal functions when WMI was broken in a certain way — and it appears recently another anti-malware tool not yet identified is causing a WMI issue affecting d7II (and other utils, like Autoruns for example.)
v1.8.49 – 8/12/2014
- Added “Add to Whitelist” button to dUninstaller.
- Added dUninstaller defs to also conform to Publisher/Mfgr names of software, not just the software names themselves.
- Fixed an issue where some Malware tab options were not loading settings properly under some conditions when they were disabled in a profile.
- Removed option to install CryptoPrevent Free, as this edition will now by default install a shortcut to dSupportOnline.
v1.8.48 – 7/29/2014
- End Session prompt should no longer appear when closing d7II in WinPE.
- Added %computername% variable to reports storage naming options in config.
- Added MBAM_Clean (Malwarebytes removal tool) to the Internet > Anti-Virus Removal Tools menu.
v1.8.45 – 7/8/2014
- Misc tweaks.
v1.8.44 7-6-14
- Added Google Chrome Canary 64bit, Chromium, and Comodo Dragon to deletion of temp internet files, history, cookies, and setting the browser homepage.
v1.8.40 7-5-14
- Working on collecting logs and other post processing functions from custom apps when the app is run with d7II set to wait in service mode (for apps that terminate d7II when they run.)
- Tweaked dUninstaller code a little added some error checking.
v1.8.38 6-24-14
- Added ability to hide the lower description pane (Help menu) so d7II should fit on 600 vertical resolutions without cutting off the statusbar.
v1.8.37 6-24-14
- Updated d7II to recognize and warn if Windows 8.1 Update 1 is not installed.
v1.8.34 6-23-14
- Fixed a recent bug with showing hidden files/extensions on startup, it was doing the opposite of your config.
v1.8.33 6-22-14
- Fixed a major bug with copying/moving files specifically on Windows Vista 64bit, affecting numerous functions.
- dUninstaller should now log apps that failed to uninstall.
v1.8.29 6-20-14
- Added option to reset all networking adapters to DHCP, clearing any static IP/DNS settings, to malware and repair tabs.
- Fixed a d7II failure to load on systems with a dated richtx32.ocx file in %systemroot%system32.
- Fixed an issue when not having a dUninstaller whitelist the function locks up d7II.
v1.8.28 6-18-14
- Misc. minor tweaks and fixes.
v1.8.27 6-17-14
- dUninstaller uninstall and whitelist defs can now contain preceeding or trailing spaces on the search strings, and comments (all text after a pipe character | will be ignored.)
- Fixed another issue with dUninstaller’s whitelist functionality.
- Fixed an issue with dUninstaller not actually uninstalling items in Auto mode.
v1.8.23 6-15-14
- Fixed an issue with dUninstaller’s whitelist not working as expected.
v1.8.21 6-12-14
- Fixed d7II not prompting on a new session when starting from a network share.
- Updated dUninstaller’s definitions editor for the uninstall definitions, just a plain text box editor, should be much easier to work with.
- d7II should now ignore internet connection status (its own test) when the WAN: Disconnected is clicked on the System Info tab, or when d7II is started in -offline mode.
v1.8.19 6-3-14
- Updated code to download Fab’s AutoBackup 5 Pro Trial version instead of v4 Tech which is no longer available.
- Misc minor tweaks.
v1.8.18 6-2-14
- Changed process of deleting temp internet files in Chrome.
- Updated affiliate link and program logo for Fab’s AutoBackup 5 Pro
v1.8.17 5-29-14
- Fixed right click > configure app not working on custom apps.
v1.8.16 5-29-14
- Fixed dUninstaller file system definitions not recognizing %userprofile% environment variable.
v1.8.14 5-29-14
- Added static scroll bars to text boxes in dUninstaller for large registry/file system deletion lists.
v1.8.12 5-28-14
- dUninstaller Auto should no longer take time to process registry object deletion when definitions do not exist or are blank.
- Misc fixes and tweaks to dUninstaller code for efficiency.
v1.8.6 5-28-14
- Fixed a bug in the right-click menu on custom apps listboxes causing an error/crash when used.
v1.8.5 5-27-14
- dUninstaller fix.
v1.8.4 5-26-14
- In dUninstaller: Added Publisher to display, replacing the Identifier which wasn’t really necessary to view.
v1.8.3 5-26-14
- Fixed an issue with dUninstaller not displaying installed apps.
- Added option to reset pre/post malware items to default order.
- Other misc. tweaks and fixes.
v1.8.2 5-25-14
- dUninstaller addition: Added optional definitions to automatically delete files/directories and registry keys/values after uninstalls are completed.
v1.7.1 5-24-14
- Fixed whitelisted items showing up in uninstall list in dUninstaller (even though items would be skipped by the uninstall process anyway.)
- Misc. tweaks
v1.7.0 5-23-14
- Added whitelist capability to dUninstaller. Like the uninstall definitions, the whitelist capability is treated as a wildcard search, case insensitive. Save one search phrase to whitelist on each new line.
v1.6.5 5-23-14
- Added option to run NiniteOne config before the custom apps on the Customize/Install tab.
- Misc. minor fixes / tweaks.
v1.6.2 5-20-14
- Added dUninstaller options to the Malware tab on request.
- Updated descriptive text for some functions.
v1.6.1 5-20-14
- Changed some defaults for first-time settings/d7II launches.
- Added ability to automatically open a pre-configured URL on End Session (useful for remote support scenarios to open a URL to your website when the work is complete.)
- Several enhancements to tab strips to improve visibility. Tab strip text is now in bold when selected.
- Added OneNote color option for tab strips (Config > Register/Personalize > Personalization)
- Added Highlight tab strip option for tab strips (Config > Register/Personalize > Personalization)
- Misc minor fixes and tweaks.
v1.5.10 5-12-14
- Updated d7II’s digital certificate.
- Fixed an extraction issue with the Test Download/Extract function in Custom Apps config when unzipping an archive from an FTP source.
v1.5.9 5-10-14
- Fixed original Malwarebytes not updating prior to a scan.
v1.5.8 3-31-14
- Added a check for the cache path of NiniteOne to skip this switch if the path doesn’t exist.
- Stopping full auto mode now prompts you for confirmation first.
- Fixed a few issues with Full Auto Mode recalling some settings after a reboot (this may not fix ALL of the issues…)
- Fixed: Splash screen wasn’t closing after DataGrab completed a backup.
v1.5.6 3-27-14
- Fixed the new feature to create a shortcut to the reports directory on the desktop — it actually works now!
v1.5.4 3-27-14
- A new Default Apps profile for MBAM v2 has been released; added functionality to restore the old v1.75 of MBAM and to co-exist with v2.
- Added ability to take a screen shot of d7II’s System Info tab (located on the Reports tab with the other screen shot options.)
v1.5.0 3-26-14
- Added NiniteOne.exe integration for techs with Ninite Pro accounts. (Customize/Install)
- Added a screenshot of the desktop arrangement to DataGrab when selecting the checkbox to Gather Info.
v1.4.16 3-25-14
- Fixed: Malwarebytes free not downloading after the new MBAM release.
- Fixed: Right click > Configure App on the Tweaks tab wasn’t functioning.
- Fixed: Selecting Shutdown from d7II’s Reboot menu was actually rebooting the system.
- Added: Shutdown in d7II’s Reboot menu now utilizes the “hybrid” shutdown flag in the ExitWindowsEx API for Windows 8.x (this should make the system boot quicker next time.)
v1.4.6 3-25-14
- Added fix for new vulnerability discovered today in MS Word exploiting RTF files (this is in Tweaks > MS Office)
- Added ability for d7II to create a desktop shortcut to itself (d7II.exe) at session start.
- Fixed minor issue with startup crash msg & options screen appearing after updating d7II config on startup from FTP/dCloud and selecting to restart d7II to apply the changes.
v1.4.5 3-24-14
- Added ability to create a shortcut on the Desktop for the Reports directory during a session start (with your own icon also.)
- Updated internal KillEmAll whitelist to add more LogMeIn processes.
- Made changes to delete temp internet files function to hopefully fix an issue with Firefox not realizing it’s cache has been cleared causing some funky issues with certain websites.
- Added optional prompt to re-enable anti-virus/security software after ending a session. Enable this in Config > Session/Misc > Additional End Session Options.
v1.4.0 3-24-14
- Added dSupportSuite installation/config lite/password prompt functionality and storage on your FTP server.
- Added support for a new set of primary/alternate FTP server configs for the Reports storage functions, separating it from the Config/Defs/Apps directory storage. This allows PC Repair Tracker users to utilize a different FTP server for their d7II usage while still sending reports to the PCRT server. Note if the Reports servers are not configured, the Config/Defs/Apps server will be used instead, so nothing actually needs to be changed within existing configurations if this doesn’t affect you.
- Misc tweaks.
v1.3.0 3-23-14
- Added ability to use an alternate FTP server when a primary server cannot be reached, and Test Login buttons in the FTP config.
- Added FTP based storage of your Fab’s AutoBackup zip file.
- Added CryptoPrevent White-Label installer options, including FTP based storage of the installer.
- Added new Registry menu to use as a “favorites/bookmarks” shortcut menu for registry locations in regedit.exe
- Fixed FTP file transfer progress bar not showing.
- Fixed /updateonly and /updatesilent parameters for d7II scheduled updating.
- Fixed “Configure an FTP Server” link in the FTP menu to open the new config page for FTP.
- Misc. tweaks
v1.2.17 3-22-14
- New d7 keyboard shortcuts CTRL+U will launch Add/Remove Programs (Control Panel) and CTRL+M will start Computer Management (MMC)
- Fixed a bug with d7II_SFX_Mini creation not seeing dCloud configs under certain circumstances.
v1.2.16 3-21-14
- Added timeout to dUninstaller routines so it will skip a hung uninstaller after 5 minutes.
- Updated internal KillEmAll whitelist to add more remote support processes and the mbam services.
v1.2.15 3-21-14
- Internet access checks are now performed before End Session, and you are offered the opportunity to abort if not detected (as reports/config upload/merge/email may fail.)
- An End Session operation will now automatically remove any WSUS server settings made by d7II during that session.
- Added Unsigned Driver installation tweak for Vista+ x64 OSes, and automated removal of the tweak during an End Session operation.
- Added Print Server PropertiesDrivers (printui /s /t2) shortcut to the Windows menu for Vista+.
- Added ability to download/install CryptoPrevent Free from my website. (ability to deploy the White-Label version to come soon.)
- Added current config name/date to dCloud and FTP Portals.
- You can now store reports copied to the d7II directory when uploading reports to FTP.
- Fixed: when copying reports to your d7II dir during an End Session, the last folder of your reports directory was getting created twice, once inside itself, and in that the reports were located.
- Misc. tweaks and re-organization of Config screens in prep for new features.
- Bug Fix: when creating d7II_SFX_Mini, d7II failed to recognize when you had it configured to use your own FTP server for config/definitions storage.
- Modified delete temp files routines for Firefox and Chrome, I think they were overly aggressive as it appears these functions may have been causing an issue with the browsers not displaying web content properly for a while after deletion was performed.
- Implemented old d7 KillZA (ZeroAccess) check into the Pre-Removal section on the Malware tab.
- Fixed multiple issues with uploading your config and defs to your own hosted FTP server during End Session.
- Removed double “are you sure?” delete prompts when ending session and deleting the d7II directory.
- A fix to get d7II to start on Hiren’s WinPE. (OK it starts now, but what else could be wrong?)
- Added new whitelisting for remote support apps in d7II’s internal KillEmAll routines.
- d7II now automatically detects when a user is not a local administrator when setting autologin, and prompts to promote if necessary or cancel.
- Fixed an issue with Shell Extensions and batch files/registry scripts.
- Fab’s AutoBackup button now scans for either Fab’s AutoBackup 5 Pro (currently in beta), AutoBackup 4 Tech, or 4 Tech Demo, no matter what folder they reside in under 3rd Party Tools.
- Added KillEmAll’s internal whitelist to StartupKill.exe in the modules update, to prevent the possibility of bad definitions causing issues by terminating legitimate Windows processes.
- Fixed an issue with the GUI on the 800×600 interface.
- d7II Event Log Viewer receives full row select and double-click item detail.
* The return of DataGrab…
* Double-Click now copies a custom app to a section in Config.
* Fixed delete local reports dir option not being remembered on the End Session tab.
- Added prompt to copy 3rd Party Tools dir to the local partition when running d7II from a network share, as some apps may not run properly from a network share…
- Fixed Custom d7II Startup and End Session functions not executing.
- Fixed an issue with download of custom apps configured for download from your FTP server.
- Fixed moving reports to FTP falsely reporting that one or more reports had failed the upload, when in fact they did.
- Fixed Path not Found error (causing absolutely no side effects) when you use the send email feature on the reports tab.
- Fixed: Custom Apps don’t populate after reboot in Malware Auto Mode only.
- New option in Config > Session/Misc to configure the location d7II will copy itself to on the OS partition when necessary (default is Support)
- New option in Config > OS Branding to always prompt to modify Mfgr/Model of the PC when applying OS Branding.
- d7II_SFX_Mini settings/logo will be saved to the d7IIConfig directory for future recall when re-creating the d7II_SFX_Mini.exe
- Misc. minor stuff.
- Added ability to disable time stamps for automatically added items in the Work Report, Config > Reports
- Fixed Work Report not refreshing when clicking on the Reports tab (formerly it only did this if you clicked the refresh icon.)
- NEW: You may now right-click to drag and drop items between the Malware Removal Pre and Post sections.
- Fixed: A rare issue causing Malware Auto Mode to repeat itself.
- Fixed: in Auto Mode d7II wasn’t waiting on the MSSE/Windows Defender scan in post Malware removal.
- Added Move Reports to d7II Directory and Delete Local Reports Directory (on the OS partition) to the End Session options.
- Added an End Session button to the Shutdown prompt. (Note the entire prompt can still be disabled in Config.)
- Made modifications so d7II is backwards compatible with d7 for reading the Client name from the registry.
- Fixed d7II not waiting on KillEmAll to finish before moving on during Malware Auto Mode.
- Fixed some tab order issues in the Config dialog, and corrected some descriptive text in a few places.
- First official release! 2-14-14
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